Old top, Old belt, Thrift skirt, Platform from Parisian Shoes   Hi babes, how are you guys? I know I already told you on my last ...


8/06/2013 Sarange 0 Comments

Old top, Old belt, Thrift skirt, Platform from Parisian Shoes

Hi babes, how are you guys? I know I already told you on my last post that I’m having a blogging hiatus and I want to share to my reasons:

1.    I don’t have an everyday outfit look because I wear my office uniform 4 times a week, so my only chances to wear my clothes are Friday, Saturday and Sundays.

2.       When Fridays comes I feel so lazy to choose and to wear my clothes so I end up with simple and boring outfits. So sometimes oh!? Everytime I just share to you what I look like on that day. So sad!

3.       I’ am so busy at work and sometimes I forgot to update my blog so I just read some blogs to motivate myself instead LOL!

4.       There’s a time that I want to share some interesting stuff but I always forgot them LOL! When I’m on the front of my computer.

5.       I lost my phone, that phone is my best friend and I use that phone to shoot my photos most of the time but now it’s gone, so sad!

That’s my reason why I had this blogging hiatus! Bad me! So sorry!  But don’t forget that I love to blog and I love you guys! Mwah

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Love Sasa♥