I' am Jologs and Manang
This is
what I wore yesterday, and this is my look to contribute FAB (Fashion against
bullying) This top is my old white shirt
with design of black heart then the fab logo is made by mom. I’m not used to be
this look like a rocker or skater or what so ever it’s just change my mood when
I saw yesterday morning in the window that it was raining, I used to be on
denim and on heels but I used to be look nalang!

Fab told me on email to wear an old white shirt so I guess my old
white shirt is enough hehe☺ then I
paired it to my black thrift skirt then I add an orange belt to maximize the
shock color of orange with rubber with heels shoes … Tarahn! I look like a
skater girl har har☺
What do you think on my look? Is it ok? Hehe☺ paranoid again! Anyways have a fun week ends guys♥
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Love Sasa♥